The setting for this heartwarming novel is the upper-Midwestern U.S.A. in the mid-1980s, where herbalist "Sunflower" Sam Rogers and his schoolteacher wife, April, find themselves living an enviable life of devotion to simplicity, chronicled daily in a diary of their second year as homesteaders on a large tract of land.
As the events of their lives unfold, various other characters—both human and animal—emerge to color the charming tale: From the human side, Samuel and April’s delightful Godchildren, a kindly pair of traditional native-Americans, and a small-town physician add to the interest; while from the animal side, an orphaned pair of bear cubs, a wily flock of crows, and a mammoth toad join in the fun!
The result is a testament to the wonders of nature, as well as to a love that inspires as well as transforms....
As an added bonus, the reader will become acquainted with the gifts that over 75 wild plants offer in the ways of food, medicine, and utility.
Softcover, 151pp. (includes an index to plants and health conditions)
Diary of a Country Herbalist
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